
Failure to Diagnose Vasculitis

Baltimore Attorneys Helping People Harmed by Medical Errors Seek Justice

A strong circulatory system is essential to a person’s overall health. As such, conditions that negatively impact blood vessels, like vasculitis, can cause critical issues. Vasculitis can often be managed with medication, but if it is not promptly identified and treated, it can cause complications that lead to lifelong harm and, in some instances, are fatal. Fortunately, people injured by their doctor's failure to diagnose vasculitis can often recover damages for their losses via medical malpractice lawsuits. If your vasculitis diagnosis was delayed due to your doctor’s oversights or neglect, you should contact an attorney to discuss your potential claims. The skilled Baltimore medical malpractice lawyers of Arfaa Law Group are proficient at proving that negligent healthcare providers should be held accountable for the harm they cause, and if you hire us, we can develop compelling arguments on your behalf to provide you with a strong chance of achieving a successful outcome.

Harm Caused by the Failure to Diagnose Vasculitis

Vasculitis is the term used to describe conditions that cause inflammation of the blood vessels. Over time, the inflammation can cause damage to the lining of the vessels, which in turn can cause blockages, blood clots, and narrowing. This can lead to reduced blood flow to tissues which can cause necrosis. Some forms of vasculitis can cause damage to the kidneys, heart, joints, and gastrointestinal and urinary systems.

Various things can cause vasculitis, including genetics, environmental factors, and a preceding illness. Signs of vasculitis can include purpura, headache, fever, unexplained weight loss, joint pain, and abdominal pain. Generally, a biopsy of affected tissue is required to diagnose vasculitis definitively. Treatment for vasculitis includes immunosuppressants, which may include corticosteroids and chemotherapy medications.

Seeking Compensation for a Doctor’s Failure to Diagnose Vasculitis

The prognosis for people with vasculitis depends, in part, on the timeliness of their diagnosis. As such, the failure to diagnose vasculitis often causes patients harm and may be grounds for pursuing medical malpractice claims. In most medical malpractice lawsuits filed in Maryland, the plaintiff will allege that the defendant was negligent.

To establish negligence, a plaintiff must first establish that the defendant owed them a duty. With regard to medical treatment, the duty a defendant owes a plaintiff is to offer care that complies with the applicable standard, which is the care a competent professional working in the same practice area would offer when presented with a similar situation. The plaintiff then needs to prove that the defendant breached the duty owed by failing to abide by the standard of care. Finally, the plaintiff has to demonstrate that the defendant’s breach proximately caused the plaintiff to suffer actual damages. In other words, the plaintiff must show that their alleged harm would not have occurred absent the defendant’s acts or omissions.

In most cases, the duties imposed on a defendant and issues of causation and damages are beyond the understanding of the average juror or judge. As such, the plaintiff will usually have to retain one or more medical experts to explain what is required under the applicable standard, how the defendant’s failings led to the plaintiff’s losses, and to quantify the harm suffered. A plaintiff that proves a defendant’s negligence may be able to recover the cost of any medical care they needed or will need in the future, lost wages, and out-of-pocket expenses. They may also be awarded compensation for the suffering, trauma, and pain they endured because of the defendant’s negligence.

Talk to a Trusted Baltimore Attorney

People with vasculitis often respond well to treatment, but if their diagnosis is delayed, it can be difficult to abate their symptoms. If you were hurt by your doctor’s failure to diagnose vasculitis, you might be owed damages, and you should talk to an attorney as soon as possible. The trusted Baltimore lawyers of Arfaa Law Group take pride in helping people injured by medical negligence in the pursuit of damages, and if we represent you, we will advocate aggressively on your behalf. We regularly assist people in medical malpractice cases in Baltimore, where our office is located. You can contact us through our form online or by calling (410) 889-1850 to set up a free and confidential meeting.

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