
Injuries in Medical Malpractice Cases

Attorneys Assisting People in Baltimore Harmed by Medical Malpractice

Patients routinely rely on healthcare professionals to provide thorough treatment, with the hope that the treatment will be adequate to help them maintain their health. Sadly, however, some practitioners make grave mistakes that cause their patients to suffer undue harm. The careless acts of a medical provider can cause a variety of damages. While some harm, such as a delayed diagnosis or inadequate treatment may not be immediately evident, other detriments are instantly observable. If you sustained an injury because of incompetent medical care, there are damages you may be able to recover. At Arfaa Law Group, our dedicated Baltimore medical malpractice lawyers are proficient at aiding injured parties in the pursuit of compensation, and we are eager to assist you in seeking justice for your harm.

Injuries in Medical Malpractice Cases

There are multiple ways a physician or other healthcare provider can injure a patient, but many injuries arise in the surgical setting. For example, a doctor may fail to take measures to prevent a patient from developing an embolism during or after the surgery, which can lead to pulmonary embolism and stroke. Injuries can also occur if a doctor administers too much anesthesia, which can result in respiratory failure or brain damage, while too little anesthesia can result in significant pain. If a doctor fails to monitor a patient during surgery to ensure his or her vital signs are stable, it can lead to cardiac arrest or brain death. Similarly, if a patient is given the wrong blood type during a blood transfusion, it can lead to blood clots or death. Patients may also suffer injuries due to contaminated medical instruments, or inadequate post-surgical care, such as illnesses, rashes, and infections. Additionally, many patients are harmed when a doctor uses a defective stapler to close an incision site. A seasoned medical malpractice attorney can review the facts of your case to determine whether you may have a claim.

Proving an Injury Was Caused by a Healthcare Provider’s Negligence

Regardless of the precise harm alleged, in all Maryland medical malpractice cases, the plaintiff must show that the defendant caused his or her harm. In the context of a lawsuit arising out of an injury in a medical malpractice case, the plaintiff must establish that the defendant had a duty to provide treatment commensurate with the appropriate standard of care and that the defendant breached the duty. The standard of care that applies is the care that a practitioner in the same specialty, who has similar training, skills, and experience, would have provided under the same set of facts presented to the defendant at the time of the plaintiff’s harm. The plaintiff must not only prove that the defendant breached the duty, but also that the breach was the cause of his or her injury. In most cases, the plaintiff will need one or more experts to explain the standard of care and how the defendant’s acts or omissions caused the plaintiff’s injury.

Damages You May Be Awarded in a Medical Malpractice Case

Plaintiffs who persuade the jury or judge that the defendant healthcare provider caused their harm can be awarded damages for the cost of any medical treatment they needed to undergo for their injuries, and the cost of treatment they will need in the future. If they were temporarily or permanently unable to work because of their injuries, they may be awarded compensation for lost earnings as well. Additionally, they are often able to recover damages for the suffering and pain caused by their injuries. Spouses of injured parties may also be awarded compensation for the loss of the injured party’s companionship and services.

Speak with a Dedicated Malpractice Lawyer in Baltimore

In most cases, the injuries in medical malpractice cases are preventable, and patients who endure unnecessary injuries should be compensated for their harm. If you were injured by a negligent healthcare provider in Baltimore, you may be able to seek damages in a civil lawsuit. At Arfaa Law Group, our zealous attorneys are committed to helping our clients assert their legal rights, and if we represent you, we will fight tirelessly on your behalf. We can be reached through the online form or by calling us 410-889-1850 to schedule a free and confidential conference.

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