
Costs of Caring for Injured Children

Baltimore Lawyers Helping Families Dealing With Birth Injuries Seek Justice

The aftermath of a birth injury is an emotionally challenging time for parents, as their happiness is often tempered by sadness and worry. Many parents hesitate to pursue compensation for birth injuries for a variety of reasons. It is important to note, though, that the costs of caring for injured children can be astronomical, and seeking damages for medical malpractice is often a necessary step to secure the financial resources needed for the extensive medical care and additional services a child will need. If medical negligence caused your child to sustain injuries during birth, you have rights, and you should contact an attorney to discuss your potential claims. The Baltimore birth injury attorneys of Arfaa Law Group are committed to helping families impacted by preventable medical errors in the pursuit of justice, and if you engage our services, we will zealously pursue any damages available.

Costs of Caring for Injured Children

The financial burden associated with caring for a seriously injured child is overwhelming for most families, and health insurance coverage is often insufficient, leaving families grappling with significant expenses. In addition to medical costs, families may also face the loss of income and benefits while dedicating time to care for their children. To understand the various expenses they will encounter throughout their child's life, a family affected by a birth injury should consult with economists, medical professionals, and life-care planners.

Children affected by birth injuries often require a comprehensive team of medical professionals. Depending on their condition, this may include specialists in occupational, speech, and physical therapy, orthopedists, and pain management doctors. In addition to medical interventions, these children may undergo multiple surgeries to manage and alleviate the impact of their injuries.

Beyond medical care, the ongoing needs of children with birth injuries may include nursing care, home health care, long-term care, and day habilitation services. Special services, including the provision of medical equipment and home modifications, are often essential for their well-being as well.

Seeking Compensation for the Costs of Caring for Injured Children

The goal in any birth injury case is to ensure that the plaintiffs receive fair compensation that will provide the financial support necessary to navigate the challenges of caring for their children. In order to recover such compensation, a plaintiff must first establish liability. Generally, this is accomplished via a negligence claim.

Under Maryland law, a plaintiff alleging losses due to the negligence of a defendant must prove that the defendant owed them a duty and that the defendant breached the duty owed. In birth injury cases, the duty a defendant owes a plaintiff is to offer treatment that comports with the applicable standard of care. Generally, the standard of care is defined as the care a skilled professional practicing in the same area as the defendant would provide in a similar situation. Next, the plaintiff must prove that the defendant’s breach of the standard of care caused the plaintiff to sustain quantifiable losses. While the defendant’s conduct does not have to be the sole reason the birth injury occurred, the plaintiff must show that such conduct was a substantial factor in bringing about their harm.

If the plaintiff establishes the defendant’s fault, they may be awarded compensation for their financial and intangible losses. Financial losses usually include the cost of past and future medical care, out-of-pocket costs, and lost income. Intangible harm typically refers to suffering, pain, and anguish caused by the injury.

Confer With an Assertive Baltimore Birth Injury Attorney

Children with birth injuries often require lifelong medical care and assistance, and few families can afford the costs of caring for injured children without assistance. If your child sustained harm during birth, you may be able to recover damages for the parties that caused your child’s injury, and it is in your best interest to confer with an attorney about your rights. The assertive Baltimore birth injury lawyers of Arfaa Law Group can help you understand the costs of caring for injured children and aid you in pursuing compensation for your losses. We have an office in Baltimore, where we often represent families in birth injury cases. You can contact us through our form online or at (410) 889-1850 to arrange a conference.

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