

In an effort to protect our clients and staff, we are using the best and latest technology to continue working during these uncertain times. Rest assured; we are still working hard for you. We are still taking depositions, attending mediations and moving your case forward. We remain available by phone, email, mail and/or videoconference to conduct meetings and consultations. If you have questions about your case or would like a free consultation, please contact us today at (410) 889-1850.

  1. Is your office currently open during normal business hours?

    Yes, our office is open during normal business hours. However, some of our staff is working remotely.

  2. When and how can I contact you?

    We can be reached by phone, email, mail and/or videoconference during normal business hours.

  3. What video chat platforms do you offer for clients?

    We utilize Zoom for most of our videoconferencing. However, we are also available via Skype and Facetime. If you need to meet with us via videoconference, we will make it happen.

  4. Are you accepting new clients?

    Yes. We are always accepting new clients. All of our consultations are free.

  5. How can I get updates regarding the status of my case or legal matter?

    You can get updates regarding the status of your case by phone, email, mail and/or videoconference.

  6. Are courts of law still open in my area? Will my court date be rescheduled?

    All state Courts in Maryland have been closed for civil hearings since March 16, 2020. If you have a case scheduled for trial in the next six (6) weeks, your case will be postponed, and you will receive a new trial date when the courts re-open.

  7. Will scheduled depositions, mediation, arbitration, or settlement negotiations occur as planned?

    We are still taking depositions, attending mediations and moving your case forward. Most of our depositions and mediations are occurring on schedule through videoconferencing.

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